Weekend Away 2023
In November (2023) we travelled to the West End Outdoor Centre near Harrogate and heard a series of talks from Zac Powell on the book of Philippians. We focused on how we can learn to persevere during life's difficult times as well as applying Paul's advice to the Philippians to our own situations; being witnesses to Christ to everyone we meet.
In addition to the main talks, we had worship sessions, a couple of smaller seminars, lots of yummy food, prayer, an exhilarating game of sardines in the dark, and a beautiful walk around the local reservoir! The weekend away is a perfect opportunity to strengthen the friendships made with one another in September and be encouraged to go back to University and share the good news, feeling refreshed and full of the Spirit.
It was clear how God was moving and speaking to us over the course of the weekend, we can't wait for next year!